Gok Wan's Top Styling Tips

Gok Wan's Top Tips

Top Tips for fabulous frames

Specsavers stylist extraordinaire Gok Wan shares his hints for creating your best bespectacled look…

Gok Wan believes you can show off a new side of yourself with your glasses! They’re becoming the ‘must have’ accessory and can really enhance your look. Picking the best frames is not just about face shape – check out Gok's top tips to help you choose gorgeous glasses.


“It's not just the colour of your hair that can affect your choice of glasses - the way your hair is cut and styled can too.”

SHORT GEOMETRIC STYLE: Go for angular or oval shaped frames
SOFT AND CURLY: Choose delicate shapes, rimless frames and translucent colours
TIGHT CURLS: Small classic styles with a frame shape that follows your brow line
SHORT HAIR/ HAIR TIED BACK: Experiment with bold, decorative styles
LONG HAIR: Check how different frames look with your hair loose or tied up


“Your glasses don't just perform a function; they're also a fashion accessory. Think of them as another piece of jewellery and you won't look overdressed.”

AVOID mixing gold frames with silver jewellery and vice versa
OPT FOR NEAT EARRINGS if you wear bold glasses
BRIGHT COLOURED FRAMES draw attention to the eyes so try earrings in a matching colour


“Lenses can sometimes make your eyes appear bigger or smaller. Using these make-up tips will help you minimise any distortion caused by your lenses.”

SHORT SIGHTED: your eyes will appear smaller so apply bold make-up to emphasise them. Use lighter colours on the inner corners, blending into deeper, darker shades at the outer corners to add emphasis and to make your eyes look bigger. Use dark or lash-building mascara.

LONG SIGHTED: your eyes are magnified so apply make-up sparingly and blend colours carefully. Use concealer or a slightly lighter foundation under the eyes. Dark mascara gives definition, but avoid harsh eyeliners or thick mascara - blobs and smudges will be magnified too!


“Glasses come in many different shapes and sizes, which can considerably change how they look on your face. Frames should be no higher than the line of your eyebrows. The lower edge should not sit on your cheeks, even when you smile, and the frames should be no wider than the width of your face at the temples.”

LONG NOSE: a low set bridge appears to shorten it.
SHORT NOSE: a high set bridge in line with the top of the frames is best.
CLOSE-SET EYES: a thin or clear bridge can add width.
WIDE-SET EYES: a coloured bridge will make wide-set eyes appear closer together.
SQUARE FACE: oval frames are best as they soften the jaw line. Avoid thin, angular styles and those with colour emphasis on the bottom rim.
ROUND FACE: angular or geometric styles are best as they draw attention to the top half of your face. Avoid small, round styles and large frames, which can make your face look rounder.
OVAL FACE: oval faces look great in most styles! Be adventurous and try modern geometric shapes, which are stylish and fashionable.
LONG FACE: go for wide frames with a strong top line. Avoid small, square shapes and instead opt for a style with all over colour.
TRIANGULAR FACE: try bold, strong shapes to add balance to the face. Triangular faces should avoid small, narrow frames.
HEART-SHAPED FACE: wear slender, rounded or square styles without decorative detail on the temples. Avoid styles that are wider at the top, these will reflect the face shape rather than balance it.


“Your hair colour and complexion are important factors to consider when choosing your frame colour.”

BLONDE: If you have blonde, fair or light brown hair and a pale complexion: Try lightweight styles with delicate colour effects. Experiment with colours that add warmth to your skin tone. Avoid dark, heavy styles, cold colours such as blues and greens, and lightcoloured metals. If you blush easily, avoid pinks and amber.

AUBURN: Try to reflect the warmth of your natural colouring with reddish brown, gold, copper or tortoiseshell colours. Greens and browns will match the colour of your eyes. Avoid cold colours, unless you want to make an impact with strong, bold contrast.

LIGHT BROWN: If you have light brown, fair or auburn hair and a pale complexion: Try lightweight styles in bronze and other warm-coloured metals. Avoid dark, heavy styles, cold colours and light-coloured metals.

DARK BROWN: If you have dark hair and perhaps an olive, Mediterranean or light Asian complexion: Try metal frames in antique silver or gold colours, as well as softer browns. Avoid pastels or very dark colours and heavy styles.

BLACK: If you have black hair and dark skin: Try any of the metallic frames, especially simple shapes and colours. Avoid bright colours unless you want to make a strong impact.

GREY: If you have light grey hair and pale eyes: Try lighter coloured metal or plastic frames. Avoid heavy dark frames. If you have darker hair and eyes: Try a rich deep colour and pewter or metal styles.



Dark and Stormy Luxe Looks:
Stand out colours: Predominantly blacks, purples, greys and deep reds.
Inspiration: Gothic romantic luxury, embellished accents, shiny materials and strong colours.
The frame brings a sense of drama and deep mid-winter colours to your outfit.

Acid Brights:
Stand out colours: green, yellow, pink and orange pop inside the frame and as temple accents.
Inspiration: flashes of almost-neon shades add amazing contrast to strong coloured frames in patterns, textures or solids.
This style is all about fun and surprise – ignite your outfit with a hint or splash of stand-out colour.

Bohemian Vintage and Robust Masculinity:
Stand out colours: Black, Brown and dark blue for men, while camel, moss and bark are in style for women.
Inspiration: Bohemian Vintage, recycling and an urban Eden.
This style is all about expressions of strength and origin in robust, yet masculine shapes. Visible screws and other metal details highlight the construction of the frame.